
The Pod

This object is meant to act as a space that is cut off from the outside world. The user can use this space to ward off distraction. This is a space the user can use for deep thought and concentration. It is important however that the user also be grounded in reality; thus minuscule spaces all around the facade allow filtration of the outside world into the interior space of the object. The user also feels no pressure entering or exiting the space. A nylon cord gateway hanging from the crest of the facade will allow the user to enter the space with ease while also filtering the outside world similarly to the exterior slats, which appear to drape over the structure, surrounding the user.

Graeme Boland, 2020

Material oak, nylon, anodized aluminum, brass.

Dimension 36in x 26in x 62in


Strung Metal, Hannah Day


Hempcrete, Trevor Carreon