

This composite developed through research and testing is presented as a carbon-neutral alternative to concrete. Being the #1 cause for CO2 emissions, the production of traditional concrete requires an immense amount of energy to make due to the incineration of limestone to produce Portland cement, the glue that holds concrete together. Furthermore, sand that is used in this production could soon become a scarce resource. In Hempcrete, Portland cement is replaced by sodium bentonite and hydrated lime that reacts chemically with the silica rich pulverized hemp as a replacement for sand. This reaction literally petrifies the hemp and forms micro crystals that hardens the material into stone.

Trevor Carreon, 2020


Material Hempcrete, sandblasted pine.

Lamp 16” x 15.25” x 6.5”

Planter 13” x 21” x 21”

Stool 19” x 32.5” x 20.25”


The Pod, Graeme Boland


Structured Soil_ Organic Permanence, Alannah Ray